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Dec 3, 20235 min read
The beast of Llanidloes awakens
My first blog post for a while to kick start the resolution to keep it more regular in future ! And apologies for the false start when I...
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Aug 14, 20228 min read
A return to view cameras .. an unpopular opinion and .. a 120 field camera and .... GAS (Part 2)
Part 2 of a photography related post about a visit to the Western Isles with a Horseman 970 Medium Format Camera
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Jul 29, 20228 min read
A return to view cameras .. an unpopular opinion and .. a 120 field camera and .... GAS (Part 1)
During #filmjune, I was forced to think about a few things that had been simmering away in the back of my mind for a while. Eventually a...
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May 9, 20224 min read
A Koni-Omega Rapid and Fomapan 200 - The Good, The Bad....The Ugly (PART 2)
Since my last update on this particular subject, I have had many suggestions on Twitter and much support offered by the fantastic...
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May 4, 20225 min read
A Koni-Omega Rapid and Fomapan 200 - The Good, The Bad....The Ugly (PART 1)
On a recent trip to the Western Isles for work I took with me a new (to me) Koni-Omega Rapid 6 x 7cm camera which I was still getting to...
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Jan 23, 20227 min read
The Blog Post formerly known as... "Losing my Mojo...for a while...and a Western Isles visit."
November 2021 I guess it is the blight of all photographers, the time where you can't see anything or find the inspiration to create...
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Nov 1, 20216 min read
A 1943 Ikonta 6 x 9 cm camera goes to the Western Isles..........Part 2
Normally when travelling to the Western Isles it is a convoluted and generally a 2 day travel. I was lucky on this occasion that the need...
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Oct 25, 20216 min read
A 1943 Ikonta 6 x 9 cm camera goes to the Western Isles..........Part 1
The camera as seen in the charity shop window. I was fortunate a few weeks ago when a couple of friends of mine spotted an old camera in...
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Sep 20, 20218 min read
The Ashness bridge story and other tales ......and turning the other way.
For some time now when visiting a “photographic hotspot” I have turned the other way and found something else to photograph. This may...
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Sep 12, 20218 min read
The dance .....and my schoolboy errors
Strap in! Get yourself a coffee/tea or a recommended stiff drink, this is going to take a while ! I have been making images using a...
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Aug 22, 20216 min read
Why Large Format, why a bigger camera and ....a Zenit 11....what?
Some of you may already be aware that I have recently acquired a 7x5 Camera system. This has added to my growing "arsenal" of large...
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Aug 8, 20214 min read
Aaaaggghhhh....the "darkroom light" came on !
After a couple of days off and opportunities to go out with my camera at the start of this week, I took out the Intrepid 5x4 and made 6...
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Aug 1, 20214 min read
Invisible Light - Infrared ..... 1 or 2 sheets to the wind?........ (Part 2)
I really wasn't sure there would be a part 2 to my initial look at Infrared photography but ....just about ..there is. It is with...
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Jul 25, 20215 min read
Invisible Light - Infrared ..... 3 sheets to the wind........
I promised last week that I would write about the 4 sheets of Infrared I put through my Intrepid camera last weekend. However, thus far I...
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Jul 18, 20216 min read
Dave's Pinhole Camera World Tour 2021. Leg 1 (Part 3)
The amazing pinhole camera has now continued it's round the world tour and this post chronicles its last few days with me. I had had a...
98 views4 comments
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